Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday morningeh.....

Eh is's 6 effin 32 in the morning on Saturday. During some momentary lapse of reasoning this week at work (between training new agents and trying to wade through some CF of an evacuation) I gleefully volunteered for overtime. Not that I don't need the money, but in order to get the beaucoup dollars, one must give up some sort of sanctity or a limb...seeing all four of my extremities are still attached to my body, I will assume the sanctity of sleeping in was lost like a sacrificial lamb.

I have no intentions of even trying to down a bowl of cereal before departing. It's going to be whatever looks semi-edible when I stop at the gas station. Might even splurge and go to the McD's for a couple biscuits. Yeah...that's always good. Definitely not going to be good on the waist and certainly gonna slow down my metabolism with all that delightful grease, but man, that sounds good...maybe I'll get a medium diet coke...or even a large. That would be a splurge.

Yesterday at this same time, I was getting ready to go do the same thing (work, not McDonalds) and I felt like Noah...not that kid on Disney, but the biblical bastard who was apparently good at making things. We had four inches of rain in approximately 3 hours yesterday morning. My yard was a swamp. Fortunately the lil'Olds trudged through the standing water like a champ (probably something I shouldn't have done after putting $1000 into it in the past few weeks)...

Alright, I am off to cubicle land....which is funny because tomorrow I will got to work, too! Not on the clock, of course, it's our grand opening/open house/summer picnic thingy...people get to tour our shiny new $17 mil building and revel in all that is Green Certified (like the toilets that you pull the handle up for #1 and down for #2...complicated...they had to send out an email to the whole company on that!) My only reprieve is that there will be beer there...



1 comment:

  1. So you must be getting a raise if your company has that kind of money....

    I've never used a fancy toilet like that! Green technology or something! :)
